ECO BBS - Separate and Reconstruct 分離して再構築する

[1] No.0218... Brian [Date:2023/09/29(金) 02:14] [削除] [編集]

Separate and Reconstruct 分離して再構築する

0218 - 300 x 300 [110KB]
Separate and Reconstruct 分離して再構築する

I used the AI to reconstruct a body after separating it from the original picture which had two persons. The picture is from a group on this site in a numbered series. I do not know which game, if any, it is from. I believe it is Kobayakawa Takakage but am not sure. If anyone knows more about these pictures please let me know.

Folder includes two versions and a version of yesterday's daimyo with an enhanced robe.


フォルダーには 2 つのバージョンと、強化されたローブを備えた昨日の大名のバージョンが含まれています。